Want to take that little smiley home? Pre-order here:
This is a book
about work.
What’s that you say? Big bright smiling faces don’t scream “work” to you?
Agreed. And I think we should change that.
So much about the working world is patently ridiculous. It’s not normal to be too busy to eat. It’s not normal to look at email before you look at the partner lying next to you every morning. It’s not normal to choose being high performing over happy. And it’s definitely not normal to wish away the workweek (Gotta get to Friday!) when really we’re wishing away 5/7ths of our lives.
I don’t like it. Perhaps you don’t either?
Seven Rules For Better Days (at work and in life)
This list of rules is also the table of contents—one rule per chapter. Check out the book for the why and how of each!
Most work, most days, should be fun.
Your brain works whether you’re wearing a suit or stretchy pants.
Shoveling shit is fun if you like your co-shovelers.
Make brilliant work. Don’t let busyness and normalness sabotage you.
Keep it cool. We’re all in it together.
You are the defender of date nights, crossword puzzles, and your health.
Get good at life, not just work.
You deserve to love your days—even Monday to Friday.
Join me on page 1, won’t you?
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A few recent posts:
#portfoliolife—because #iworkandcomehomelife just isn't as fun
The magic of a Do Nothing Day at work